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José Vidal participates at the "V Scientific Day" at the INS Mercè Rodoreda

On Friday, 15 March 2019, the secondary school INS Mercè Rodoreda (Hospitalet de Llobregat) celebrated their "V Scientific Day" (V Jornada Científica) with scientific activities for their students, from 1st ESO to 2nd BTX. José Vidal-Gancedo, Reseracher at ICMAB, was one of the invited speakers. He had the big challenge of talking about "Organic radicals for biomedical applications" to 3rd and 4th ESO students.

cartell jornadaThe Physics and Chemistry Department, with the collaboration of the Technology Department, organized this Scientific Day to promote the scientific and technological interest among their students. All the students participated in some activities related to science, from 1st ESO to 2nd BTX and Formative Cycles. 

The activities included: watching a scientific film, robotics workshop, water analysis, scientific Kahoot, scientific gymkhana, science board games, physics games, and the scientific talks with six invited speakers from the academic and the industrial world, in the fields of pharmacy, biology, materials science, medicine, cosmetics and mathematics. 

This "Scientific Day" is organized for the whole school students, even for those not studying science, to show them that science is in our everyday life, and that it is beyond the school classes. The kids really enjoy it! 

This year's invited speakers were: 

  • José Vidal-Gancedo: "Radicales orgánicos para aplicaciones biomédicas”" (ICMAB)
  • Álvar Sánchez: “Les màgiques propietats d’uns materials sorprenents: els superconductors” (UAB)
  • Rosario Ramón: “The Truth about pharmaceutical companies" (Galenicum Health)
  • Virtudes Fernández: “Las complejidades de la cosmética” (Quality Cosmetics)
  • Laura Morera: “Corbes reglades: rectes o corbes?” (eXplorium)
  • Núria Ros: “La diversitat oculta dels eucariotes i l’origen dels animals” (IBE-CSIC-UPF)

Thank you to INS Mercè Rodoreda for organizing this kind of event, and thank you to José Vidal-Gancedo for always willilng to participate in outreach and educational activities for student.

Check out this video, aired by L'Hospitalet TV, about the "V Jornada Científica de l'Institut Mercè Rodoera" here.