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Kondo effect in a neutral and stable all organic radical single molecule break junction

Riccardo Frisenda, Rocco Gaudenzi, Carlos Franco, Marta Mas-Torrent, Concepció Rovira, Jaume Veciana, Isaac Alcon, Stefan T. Bromley, Enrique Burzurí, Herre S. J. van der Zant

Nano Lett., 2015, 15 (5), pp 3109–3114

It is shown that the paramagnetism of the polychlorotriphenylmethyl (PTM) radical molecule in the form of a Kondo anomaly is preserved in two- and three-terminal solid-state devices, regardless of mechanical and electrostatic changes. Indeed, reported evidences demonstrate that the Kondo anomaly is robust under electrodes displacement and changes of the electrostatic environment pointing to a localized orbital in the radical as the source of magnetism. Strong support to this picture is provided by DFT calculations and measurements of the corresponding non-radical species. These results pave the way towards the use of all-organic neutral radical molecules in spintronics devices and open the door to further investigations into Kondo physics.
