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Conflicting evidence for ferroelectricity

Researchers from ICMAB (CSIC)/CIBER-BBN, in collaboration with others from the Universities of Liège, Mons, Grenoble-Alpes, Parma, Augsburg, Girona and CNR-IOM (SISSA), have published in the journal Nature (G. D'Avino et al., Nature, 547, E9-E10, 2017) an article where they question the presence of ferroelectricity at room temperature in organic transfer crystals generated by supramolecular techniques, which was previously published in the same journal (Tayi et al, Nature, 488, 485-489, 2012), by a team led by Prof. J. Fraser Stoddart (Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2016) and Prof. Samuel I. Stupp of the University of Northwestern.

G. D'Avino et al, Nature 547, E9-E10 (13 July 2017). DOI: 10.1038/nature22801

Congratulations to Manel Souto, runner-up to the award of best PhD thesis NANOMATMOL

Manel Souto has been awarded the runner-up prize from the Specialized Group in Nanoscience and Molecular Materials (NANOMATMOL) from the RSEQ and RSEF, for this PhD thesis "Multifunctional Materials based on TTFPTM dyads: towards new Molecular Switches, Conductors and Rectifiers", supervised by Jaume Veciana and Imma Ratera.

Read more: Congratulations to Manel Souto, runner-up to the award of best PhD thesis NANOMATMOL

The group NANOMOL has authored 26% of the scientific articles of ICMAB in the prestigious Nature index list

The Nature Index takes into account the published scientific articles from 1st February 2016 to 31th January 2017. This index is elaborated annually based on the affiliations of the authors of scientific articles published in a selection of 68 high-quality journals (

Read more: The group NANOMOL has authored 26% of the scientific articles of ICMAB in the prestigious Nature...

Prof. Jaume Veciana received a Mention of Honor from the President of Extremadura during the celebration of the X Anniversary of the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery

El Prof. Jaume Veciana recibió el pasado día 22 de Abril una Mención de Honor a manos del actual Presidente de la Junta de Extremadura, D. Guillermo Fernández Vara, durante el acto de celebración del X Aniversario del Centro de Cirugía Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón por su compromiso, esfuerzo y dedicación en la creación de la Infraestructura Científico-Técnica Singular (ICTS) NANBIOSIS, en colaboración con el Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN).

Read more: Prof. Jaume Veciana received a Mention of Honor from the President of Extremadura during the...

Nano Particles to Improve Medicine

La Vanguardia publishes on Sunday 18th of December edition that The Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotecnology (CIGB-Biocubafarma) and our spin-off Nanomol Technologies start to clinically validate a new drug that aims at improving the healing of diabetic foot ulcers and preventing amputation.